Native plant landscaping improves your local environment by cleaning the air and water.
Lawns and landscapes are not merely aesthetic additions to your yard. They can benefit your local environment and the health of the planet as a whole! Landscapes contribute to healthier food, air, and water, which are the essentials for a healthy environment and a healthy life. Choosing to create a sustainable landscape with carefully selected native plants can help create a garden that improves your local environment.
Your Lawn Acts as an Air Filter
Within a 10,000 square foot lawn, there can be about 8 million grass plants, and some estimates have suggested that the grass can trap up to 12 million tons of dust and dirt from the air each year. Grass can also absorb smoke and sulfur dioxide, which helps reduce ozone.
Turfgrass improves your local environment by removing many pollutants, taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and replacing it with oxygen. Maintaining a healthy turf lawn alongside trees and shrubs can help purify the air and create a refreshing and beneficial environment for you and your family.
Your Landscape Can Be a Water Filter
In addition to purifying the air, your lawn also improves your local environment by conserving and filtering water. Grassy lawns have an extensive root system that makes turfgrass excellent for reducing erosion and controlling runoff. The root system also helps trap and hold rainfall, which reduces water loss.
When you promote a healthy lawn, soil microbes are enhanced. These microbes act as filters that capture and break down types of pollutants. This means your lawn improves your local environment by working as a shield that keeps our water clean! The more vegetation you provide in your landscape, the cleaner the air and water will become.
Landscapes Help Sustain the Ecosystem
Your lawn not only helps to purify the air and provide clean water, but it also helps to feed the planet! Without pollinators that frequent gardens, much of the world’s food supply would vanish. Planting native trees, shrubs, and perennials helps to provide a habitat that supports pollinators. Trees that flower in the spring, such as crabapple and cherry, support early pollinators while native perennials like bee balm, aster, coneflower, and milkweed supply nectar for native bee populations in the summer.
By taking care of your native plant garden, you can do your part to improve and sustain your local ecosystem. Gardens aren’t just for fun; they truly make a difference in the environment.
Whether you’re looking to build a rain garden or beautify your property, American Native Plants can provide you with the right plants for the job. With an inventory of over 400,000 native trees, native shrubs, and herbaceous plants, consider American Native Plants, your one-stop shop for wholesale native plant needs.
Our nursery, conveniently located in Middle River, Maryland, is open year-round to accommodate your native plant needs. We are continually updating and increasing our inventory to meet the demands of our customers.
Peruse our catalog, give us a call, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!