Naturescaping in your backyard can help your local environment as well as save you maintenance costs.
Naturescaping is a method of landscape design that allows people and nature to coexist naturally together without forcing destructive landscaping practices. The goal of naturescaping is to incorporate certain plants, particularly native plants, into your yard to benefit insect, bird, and local animal populations while keeping local air and water sources healthy. With the increase of urban sprawl, it is becoming especially beneficial to undertake naturescaping on your property and do your part to keep your local environment thriving. The following benefits illustrate the positive results that can come from naturescaping your garden.
Ease of Naturescaping
Naturescaping with native plants is quite easy and will likely require less regular maintenance than a landscape using non-native plants. Native plants have evolved to grow in local conditions and to manageable sizes. They do not require pesticides or fertilizers, or frequent cutting.
Public Health Benefits
Traditional landscaping uses large amounts of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which are often suspected carcinogens. During rainstorms, these chemicals can runoff from the garden into public water supplies. By not using these chemicals, you are decreasing the potential amount of dangerous runoff.
Decreased Air Pollution
The typical lawn tools and equipment needed to maintain traditional landscapes require gas to run and thus contribute to local air pollution when frequently used. Additionally, lawnmowers and equipment contribute to local noise pollution, which can make your neighborhood less comfortable.
Naturescaping Saves You Money
The cost of maintaining a traditional landscape is much more than maintaining a naturescape because a native plant-based garden mainly takes care of itself. Fewer maintenance tasks also means that naturescaping will save you time and give you more opportunities to spend your free time doing what you want.
Decreased Water Use
Because native plants involved in naturescaping require less watering because they have adjusted to their environmental conditions, you will need less water for your lawn. Water diversion for traditional landscapes can harm the environment, kill fish, and return polluted water to local streams and rivers. Naturescaping also saves you money by not requiring an irrigation system installation.
Protected Local Wildlife Populations
Local bird populations can benefit from the presence of native plants that they use as a source of food and shelter. Traditional landscaping that uses the same plants, regardless of location, can produce monocultures which limit the variety and vitality of those non-native plants. This, in turn, can affect the populations of birds, insects, and animal species that rely on specific plants for survival.
Enhanced Livability
Naturescaping provides you with much more than the sterile, static appearance of traditional landscaping. A naturescape overflows with color and local wildlife. It is cleaner, quieter, healthier, and may even increase your property value with its ease of maintenance and beautiful appearance.
Whether you’re looking to build a rain garden or beautify your property, American Native Plants can provide you with the right plants for the job. With an inventory of over 400,000 native trees, native shrubs, and herbaceous plants, consider American Native Plants, your one-stop shop for wholesale native plant needs.
Our nursery, conveniently located in Middle River, Maryland, is open year-round to accommodate your native plant needs. We are continually updating and increasing our inventory to meet the demands of our customers.
Peruse our catalog, give us a call, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!