Planting a beautiful garden doesn’t happen overnight, but with these five practices, you can build an ecological landscape or garden on your property.
Establishing an ecological garden with native plants provides a healthy habitat for pollinating insects and other local creatures. Planting a beautiful garden doesn’t happen overnight, but with these five practices, you can build an ecological landscape or garden on your property.
Start with the Soil
Healthy soil is the foundation of a bountiful garden, but too many soils are filled with harmful fertilizers and pesticides. Choose organic mulches to start with a nourishing base, and incorporate compost to increase the naturally-occurring nutrients.
Remove Weeds
As native plant lovers, we know that not all weeds are bad for our gardens. If you do notice an invasive weed, find ways to remove it naturally. Mulch the soil regularly, pull weeds with gloved hands and use natural solutions like vinegar to discourage growth.
Avert Pests
If a native plant is attracting too many pests for comfort, it might need a little attention. Ensure that the plant is receiving the amount of sunlight and water it needs to thrive. Using natural solutions like vinegar can avert unwanted pests from your garden. Avoid chemicals like herbicides at all cost, as they can have a negative effect on your garden and the surrounding environment.
Encourage Diversity
When you are ready to plant your garden, incorporate as many diverse species as you can. Maintaining genetic variation in your garden ensures that the plants will thrive for many years to come. If you need help choosing native plants, talk to the professional at American Native Plants. They can help you choose plant species that will thrive on your property and prosper in the same habitat.
Assess Your Lawn
Your garden can’t flourish if your lawn is not healthy. Avoid using fertilizers on your grass, as they could runoff into your garden during a rainstorm. Consider reducing the size of your lawn and adding more habitats for native plants gardens! Not only will this greatly improve the local ecosystem, but it will look beautiful!
Whether you’re looking to build a rain garden or beautify your property, American Native Plants can provide you with the right plants for the job. With an inventory of over 400,000 native trees, native shrubs, and herbaceous plants consider American Native Plants, your one-stop shop for wholesale native plant needs.
Our nursery, conveniently located in Middle River, Maryland, is open year-round to accommodate your native plant needs. We are constantly updating and increasing our inventory to meet the demands of our customers.
Peruse our catalog, give us a call, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!