Learn how to take care of your plants during the summer heat wave!
The summer has unofficially started now that we’re past Memorial Day, and the heat is here. While this is great news for the beach enthusiasts, it’s often very hard on plants in your yard and your home. Heat waves can damage and even sometimes kill plants, even indoor ones. Here are some tips for maintaining your plants through the heat this summer.
Offer Shade
Did you know that some sensitive plants essentially get sunburn? Of course, they don’t turn lobster-red and then peel as some people do. For plants that you recently brought outside, and even potted plants that you have inside near windows, consider moving them out of the super direct sunlight. Most native plants are tolerant of our summer climate, but if you have recently cut back things that were providing shade, some of them can burn too.
Quench Thirst
The heat and sun of summer cause water to evaporate from the soil, so the soil around your plants will likely dry out more quickly than it did in the spring. When you water, do it slowly so the ground has time to drink it in. This is especially true with potted plants. If you water too quickly, most of it drains down the sides and put the bottom. Make sure that you’re checking the soil often during the heat of summer. If it is dry when you push a finger into the soil 1”-2”, it is time to water. Also when the soil pulls away from the side of the container, that is a visual indicator for your potted plants. During hot weather, you should be checking the soil moisture more frequently than you do other times of the year.
Don’t Stress Them
Do you get irritable and short-tempered when it hot? That’s because the heat is stressful, and it is for your plants too. When it is really hot out, don’t add to their stress. This means that heat waves are not the right time for repotting or transplanting or even pruning and fertilizing. Moving plants stresses them and the plant may not recover if it is also battling the heat. Pruning also stresses plants, but the bigger reason to wait is that those wilted leaves may rebound after the heat breaks. Finally, wait to fertilize. When temperatures really spike, plants go into survival mode and they won’t be able to make use of the extra nutrients in the fertilizer.
Whether you’re looking to build a rain garden or beautify your property, American Native Plants can provide you with the right plants for the job. With an inventory of over 400,000 native trees, native shrubs, and herbaceous plants consider American Native Plants your one-stop shop for wholesale native plant needs.
Our nursery, conveniently located in Middle River, Maryland, is open year-round to accommodate your native plant needs. We are constantly updating and increasing our inventory to meet the demands of our customers.
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